Ownership Statement

Ownership Statement for ZQHub eCommerce Website

This Ownership Statement (“Statement”) confirms the ownership and legal information for the ZQHub eCommerce website, www.zqhub.shop (“Website”). We acknowledge that Mr. Faizan, residing at the address provided below, is the owner of the Website:

Owner’s Name: Mr. Faizan Mahmood

Address: Bahawalpur, Bader Sher, Street No. 1, House No. 6,

Country: Pakistan

Contact Email: faizanmahmoodff1@gmail.com

Mr. Faizan is the sole owner of the ZQHub eCommerce Website and is responsible for its operation, content, and management. This Statement confirms the ownership of the Website as of the date of this document.

For any inquiries or concerns related to the ownership of the ZQHub eCommerce Website, please contact Mr. Faizan at the provided email address.

By using our Website, you acknowledge and accept the ownership information outlined in this Statement.

Thank you for choosing ZQHub for your online shopping needs. We appreciate your trust in our platform.